Thursday 27 February 2014

Dark Horse and Muslims !

Some Muslims are mad because of the new music video for Katy Perry (Dark Horse)

The reason:
Her role in the music video is an Egyptian queen who has the power to hit anything with lightning and turn it into sand. In one of the scenes (1:15) she turns a man into sand who is seen wearing a necklace reading Allah in Arabic!

Did they mean that necklace?!

I can't see any thing wrong with it. people already wear necklaces with the word "Allah" and nobody were mad about it. 
you can find in each gold store in any Islamic country many necklaces with the word "Allah". 

So I don't really know why some of them are mad.. maybe because she turns the man into sand! but this has nothing to do with the necklace, it's just a metal necklace!
people can wear these kind of necklaces everywhere in Islamic or non-Islamic countries. 

After all, I loved the song so much and also the video.

Katy Perry - Dark Horse (I think they removed the word in the video!)

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