Friday 28 February 2014

برنامج البرنامج - الحلقة الثانية كاملة من الموسم الثالث

برنامج البرنامج لباسم يوسف
الحلقة الثانية - الموسم الثالث

UK, US spies stored millions of images

US senators say British and US spy agencies showed a "breathtaking lack of respect" for privacy after reports they intercepted and stored images from webcams used by millions of Yahoo users.
Files from Britain's communications spy agency GCHQ leaked by former US National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden revealed how the Optic Nerve program collected still images of webcam chats regardless of whether individual users were suspects or not, the Guardian newspaper reported.
In one six-month period in 2008, the British spy agency collected webcam imagery from more than 1.8 million Yahoo user accounts around the world, the Guardian said.
The data collected, which was available to NSA analysts through routine information sharing, contained a significant amount of sexual content.
"We are extremely troubled by today's press report that a very large number of individuals - including law-abiding Americans - may have had private videos of themselves and their families intercepted and stored without any suspicion of wrongdoing," Democratic US Senators Ron Wyden, Mark Udall and Martin Heinrich said in a joint statement.
"If this report is accurate, it would show a breathtaking lack of respect for the privacy and civil liberties of law-abiding citizens."
Yahoo, which was apparently chosen because its webcam system was known to be used by GCHQ targets, expressed outrage at the reported surveillance.
"We were not aware of nor would we condone this reported activity," a spokeswoman for the US technology firm told AFP in an email statement.
"This report, if true, represents a whole new level of violation of our users' privacy that is completely unacceptable.
"We are committed to preserving our users' trust and security and continue our efforts to expand encryption across all of our services."
Leaked GCHQ documents from 2008 to 2010 explicitly refer to the surveillance program, although the Guardian said later information suggested it was still active in 2012.
The data was used for experiments in automated facial recognition, as well as to monitor existing GCHQ targets and discover new ones, the British paper said.
The program reportedly saved one image every five minutes from a webcam user's feed, partly to comply with human rights legislation and partly to cut down the sheer amount of data being collected.
GCHQ analysts were able to search the metadata, such as location and length of webcam chat, and they could view the actual images where the username was similar to a surveillance target.
In a statement to the Guardian, GCHQ said all of its work was "carried out in accordance with a strict legal and policy framework which ensures that our activities are authorised, necessary and proportionate".

Babies Scared of Their Shadow Compilation 2013

Thursday 27 February 2014

Dark Horse and Muslims !

Some Muslims are mad because of the new music video for Katy Perry (Dark Horse)

The reason:
Her role in the music video is an Egyptian queen who has the power to hit anything with lightning and turn it into sand. In one of the scenes (1:15) she turns a man into sand who is seen wearing a necklace reading Allah in Arabic!

Did they mean that necklace?!

I can't see any thing wrong with it. people already wear necklaces with the word "Allah" and nobody were mad about it. 
you can find in each gold store in any Islamic country many necklaces with the word "Allah". 

So I don't really know why some of them are mad.. maybe because she turns the man into sand! but this has nothing to do with the necklace, it's just a metal necklace!
people can wear these kind of necklaces everywhere in Islamic or non-Islamic countries. 

After all, I loved the song so much and also the video.

Katy Perry - Dark Horse (I think they removed the word in the video!)

Nintendo to end online gaming on DS and Wii this May

By: Callum Tennent - What Mobile

In a sudden move, Nintendo have announced that owners of the original Wii or DS consoles will no longer be able to play their games online as of May 20th. Of course you will still be able to play those games offline, but any online functions which they possessed will no longer be available. A strange move, perhaps, as the DS and Wii are still only one generation old – imagine the uproar that Microsoft or Sony would face if they were to cancel online capacity for Xbox 360 or PS3 titles. Of course the online communities of the Wii and DS are exponentially smaller. The Wii in particular was a console designed with local multiplayer in mind – there may even be some owners reading this news entirely unaware that they could have been playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl or Mario Kart Wii online. The impact this news will have of the console’s small but dedicated professional and semi-pro gaming following is great, though. Games such as the aforementioned Super Smash Bros. Brawl have an incredibly dedicated pro sector, and this announcement’s impact will be sure to upset some. The news will apply worldwide. Do you believe the decision could have something to do with Nintendo looking to boost anaemic Wii U sales? We’ll see soon enough, what with the first Wii U instalment of the Mario Kart franchise launching just ten days after the online blackout, with Super Smash Bros. soon to follow.

Sony to launch Smartband in March

Wednesday 26 February 2014

BLACKPHONE "World's First Secure Smartphone"

Blackphone, The Android Smartphone That Simplifies Privacy

During the Iraqi invasion on Kuwait

My father was on his way to home with his friend and my brother who was 9 years old, In one of the Iraqi checkpoints, one of the Iraqi soldiers told my brother to get out from the car -When they say that it's obvious that they will take him- , My father opposed what they said, but they insisted! Then my father said to the Iraqi soldier : You can take me instead of him. They took my father to be one of the prisoners!! My brother and my father's friend returned, my brother ran to my mother to tell her about dad! My family lived a very difficult days without my father,Without any news of him!
After a period of time when George Bush sent the U.S. military to liberate Kuwait, they Helped Kuwaiti prisoners who were held in Iraq, The good point that my father was one of them, Finally, my father returned home.
Saddam's army killed a large number of Kuwaitis after tortured them. 
We will never forget our martyrs

I didn't mention the details and put images or videos of  Saddam's torture, I was not born during the invasion and when I was younger I saw many ugly videos and picture of the torture, I'm not strong enough to see his heinous crimes again.
You can search on Google and YouTube and you'll find plenty videos and pictures.

Kuwaiti Liberation Day

Liberation day -26 February- is an important day for each Kuwaiti. 

In 26 February 1991 Kuwait liberated from Iraqi invasion which lasted 7 months. In the early hours of August 2, 1990, more than 100,000 Iraqi troops moved tanks, helicopters and trucks across the border into Kuwait. Within an hour they reached Kuwait City, and by daybreak, Iraqi tanks were attacking Dasman Palace, the royal residence. The amir had already fled to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, but his private guard and his younger half brother, Sheik Faud al–Ahmad al–Sabah, had stayed behind to defend their home. The sheik was shot and killed!! and according to an Iraqi soldier who deserted after the assault, his body was placed in front of a tank and run over.
It was Saddam’s idea alone to invade Kuwait. He had gambled that he could get away with control the small rich country to help pay off debts. But he had misread the interests of the international community and the United States in a stable Middle East. After the invasion, Saddam defied orders to retreat and the U.N. imposed sanctions. After months of deliberations and with U.N. support, the United States and international Coalition forces launched a full–scale air and missile attack on Iraq on January 16, 1991. A ground assault followed a month later, and Saddam’s troops were quickly forced out of Kuwait. The United Nations declared an end to the war on April 11, 1991. 
Kuwait Towers from inside

Man runs into fire to save his Xbox games console

WHAT would you run back into a burning house for? A loved one? A family pet perhaps? One man diced with death for…his Xbox.
As reported by American news station ABC15, an unnamed man from Kansas woke up to his house engulfed in flames and proceeded to run outside to safety.
Once outside he looked on, gathered his thoughts, and remembered his game console was still inside, at the mercy of the encroaching fire.
Much to the shock of fire officials and paramedics, he dashed back into the burning house to rescue his Xbox.
He reappeared with the unit unharmed but he did suffer smoke inhalation according to the report. At least his game progress was safe.
An electrical junction box was deemed the cause of the fire which caused US$80,000 of damage to the home.

Samsung Galaxy S5 vs iPhone 5S

Samsung Galaxy s5 vs iPhone 5s 

Quick look

George Bush: Tonight Kuwait is Free


Book Review: Ghasaq غسق

Book: Qhasaq غسق
Year: 2013
Language: Arabic
Writers: Saad AlBader - Muhammad AlNasser
Pages: 135

A small and nice book which contains a variety of short stories about different topics.

3/5 stars

Tuesday 25 February 2014

What is Telegram: the new WhatsApp?

 The Telegraph/ By Rhiannon Williams

Telegram, a free cross-platform messaging app, recieved millions of new users after WhatsApp crashed over the weekend. Will it become the new instant messenger of choice, asks Rhiannon Williams 

Telegram gives you the ability to send messages and photos with a self-destruct timer, much like another popular app. Like Snapchat, it's still possible to screenshot these images or texts before they disappear within the 'secret chat'. Within a secret chat, documents, videos, locations and searched images can all be shared, last from two seconds from up to a week. The app prides itself on its enhanced security, which it attributes to time-tested algorithms which combine security with high-speed delivery and reliability.

Kuwait National Day

Happy National Day Kuwait
 25 February

First Selfie

First selfie! Taken in New York on December 1920 

Feature-packed Galaxy S5 scans prints, heart